Shipping Policy

What countries can we ship to?
We can deliver to the United States, Australia, United Kingdom, Canada,Denmark, Austria, Germany, Sweden, New Zealand,Spain and so on.
We know that tools are special products, and customs supervision of tools in different countries is different.
Fortunately, we have found professional logistics channels who can successfully pass customs inspections in these countries and transport the tools to customers. We ship more than 60,000 packages to customers in these countries every year.
📦Every order has a tracking number
Tools are defined as dangerous goods by the customs of some countries and need to go through special logistics channels, which causes their delivery time to be longer than ordinary products.
If the delivery time is too long,please contact us at in time, and we will help you track the package within one day.
🚀Ship Within 24 Hours After Payment!
After placing your order, an email will be sent to you and your order will be processed (this includes, picking, checking, packing, and delivery). You can check the shipping progress by email or order tracking on our website at any time.
🛒Free Shipping Worldwide over $49.99.
👉The time frame of an order delivery is divided into two parts:
Processing time: 24 Hours
Shipping time: 7~30 Days
Shipping methods:USPS/ 4PX/YunExpress/Wanb Express/UBI